Since my last blog, lots of events have taken place. Firstly, I successfully completed my two months stint with aAdvantage Consulting Group. Though only managed to sell one seminar package, was glad that at least, someone bought the package.
3 pups arrived on 21 June which brought us short term joy. The last of them passed on this morning. Though sad, have to live with it for according to the vet, they die from something called the Fading Puppy Syndrome, which may occur from a viral or bacteria infection, which can be contracted either in the womb or due to secondary infection. This usually can infect the whole litter, which unfortunately, happened to our pups.
One interesting thing to note is that even criminating a little puppy can costs more than $200, very shocking indeed. Therefore, we've decided to dispose her by ourselves.
I was among the 12,998 participants of the Young NTUC contingent at the Padang for the National Day Celebrations. It was very breath-taking, hearing the plane fly pass to the Floating Platform at Marina Bay. The sights and smell of the fireworks also contributed to the excitement. We were using inflatables and round torches to form the Singapore Flag, which is the biggest human flag since the event became apart of the National Day Celebrations since 2006/7.
I'll show you the cute little pups here. Bye for now.