At the beginning of this month, I was praying that God help me out of telemarketing for I was having mild depression. I knew then that if I didn't get out, the consequence can be worse.
Thankfully, God got me out of telemarketing and by 15 July, I found myself embarking on a new journey.
I now work as a consultant with Breezeto5. The man who started this company is a lawyer turned businessman and having gone for 2 rounds of interviews was finally accepted.
Malcolm is a man of a few works and we usually communicate via sms or email. Though we speak once every few days, modern technology has enabled us to keep each other posted and updated of developments.
I mentioned to Karen that because of this, I want to apply for the Lovesingapore Entrenpreneur funds to enable me to acquire a desktop pc so I need not tax on my laptop which suffered a major breakdown and rendered me not being able to work for one week in June.
As an encouragement, she actually helped me with and discouraged me to take that journey. I am very grateful and actually drafted a rough business plan for the next 2 years, hopefully, God will help me to fulfil.
Back to my consultancy service, I am suppose to recruit employers to participate in the Archifest 2009 to be held in October to celebrate the build environment. Apart from this, my other roles are to furnish 3 articles for publication on a fortnightly basis. I am suppose to promote Breezeto5 to as many companies and to grant media exposure of the company, especially, Malcolm.
Today, Edwin delivered the desktop pc to the delight of my mom who sat at it for 2 hours enjoying her favourite game.
I'd like to thank Joe who willingly released me without one month's notice and am grateful for his understanding.
Yuru celebrated her 21-yyear-old birthday on 12 July and we celebrate little Sophie's birthday a week later. What joyous occasions. However, when she came, I was busy editing articles from Candid Creation that I didn't have the opportunity to play with her.
Just received news yesterday that Mike and family will be visiting Singapore next week and we shall have a time of catch-up to be arrange.
Thank God for answering Nansheng Gege's prayer, his family will be temporary relocating to USA to further his studies. Praise God that our prayers have been answered.
I shall end here and look forward for more good things to come in August.