2012 had been a year of unexpectancies filled with surprises. In my January post, recalled I had so much hope that when Doc Tham's verdict for surgery was final on February third, uncertainties set in. I recalled was gathering information of how I might volunteer with Singapore International Foundation having attended their talk in January at the Arts House. I went with Dorothy who I have been praying for the healing of her right eye as a result of a nasty fall in September 2011 and her "craving portal" project.
After the myomectomy and the contract with Save22 concluded in February, God had the idea that I'd be equipped in the FCBS which I prayerfully obeyed. As I could not afford the fees for ACCM, God opened the Way. I paid $100 for the whole course in which I had benefited much in many aspects--including persecution. Praise God!
Thank God for sending many young people in our midst for I have been greatly encouraged through them. Their never-ending energy, enthusiasm and zeal was so contageous that it still spurs me on to do things for God. The teachings by the pastors and marketpplace ministers also taught me much.
It was a very wonderful interesting journey in which I learnt what a mission trip was all about. In fact, we felt it was more of a rest and relaxation outing led by Pastors Kang Ying, Catherine Foo and James Sng.
We went to Blakang Padang, an island in Batam in which We saw "Singapore" in the 1960s to 1980s. Although it was only from 13-14 July, we learnt much.
Upon the completion of FCBS, God immediately opened the door to be part of the ministry team "Paradise Kingdom", formed by Sister Carol Chiam. Praise God for opening doors to five churches both in Singapore and Johore Bahru in which the mighty power of the Holy Spirit touched many lives who received Him as their Lord and Saviour. We only shared our testimonies in which God worked miracles. We are only His instruments, 2 Tim 2:20-21, "In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work". I know I am still being moulded by His hand that in time to come, I can fulfil His higher calling in my life.
The same goes for Gilbert, Dominic, Abel, Auntie May, Tan Lily, David, Melvin, Nick and Sister Carol. Keep praying for each other.
On 20 December, I ran into a Thai lady who confessed that she was on her way to commit suicide. Thank God for His Wisdom that I talked her out of it, sharing God's love with her. I pray that as He used me to sow the seed, He will send someone to reap the harvest.
God opened doors in May and October in which sister Carol and I shared our testimonies at the Global Business Network and the Bukit Arang Church in which many business people and Mr Seah Kian Ping were touched through the move of the Holy Spirit.
Rene and I have been praying for each other these years since 2008. Thank God that He not only delivered him from a debt in which he did not owe but also blessed him with a job in China. Rene: if you happen to read this, still praying for you. May 2013 bring you greater success.
Thank God for Facebook in which I can still communicate with my cousin, Amy who migrated to the USA with her husband and girls. I realised we communicated more nowadays then when she was living here. Amy, keep safe and healthy.
The workfront saw several positive changes. Dialogue in the Dark remained constant, gave a few motivation talks on my own accord, has been blessed with a tutoring opportunity with KaiYu through Mr Carl Lim's article carried in Lianhezaobao on 16 October. I started a temp assignment with YuZhen Jie since Mmid September. She has been instrumental in ensuring my health improves after the myomectomy for she has been tirelessly seeking sponsors so I can continue taking the Fit Solution having seen and heard my testimony.
Praise God!
This December was sort of different in which I was treated to at least eight feasts with the good news from Doc Tam that no new growth has been detected. Praise God that my next appointment will be in December 2013. I also had the opportunity to refer several friends to him who were very satisfied and happy with his services.
Meeting up with Samuel, Vera, Natasha, David and Eliot was the most joyous highlight for the month. The children had indeed grown, more matured and learnt to care for one another. The parents confided that by giving the opportunity to stay abroad helped them to treasure what they have and own now. They shared that a bear nearly rampped down their door one night when Samuel attempted to capture a shot of it. It was a black bear. When he noticed flashes of light, it made a dash. Fortunately, his home was spared.
PangYing Jie and I met in Coffee Bean at the Rail Mall on 30 December in which we had a good catch-up session despite her busy schedule. We agreed to keep each other in prayer.
I ended 2012 with a late meal at Pasta Mania with Jaafar, in which we had a great catch-up opportunity, returning home in time to watch the count down on tv with my mother.
I have been blogging of acquiring a guide dog year in year out yet, no good news. Encouraged by friends, I returned to GDA in May but was told on 17 December that GDV deemed I am not suitable to have a guide dog at this point in time. Thank God, while a door closes, another window opens. Hopes this dream can turn into fruition in 2013 by His Divine Plan.
Although 2012 had not turned out to be as I expected, it was still a year I would remember. HongYi said in January that God will shake the whole world and it would begin with his children. Never in my wildest dream have I expected I would be one of those.