Friday, April 11, 2008


Every day is a journey of learning for me for the past 2-3 weeks. Why do I say so? Being a visually impaired person living in Singapore, we may not be able to get the support from the authorities or the so-call Blind Association in times of need. I had been in search of a job till I gave up in November. However, in December, an opportunity came by. However, this job partnership did not last for as long as I'd hoped for. The company that took me in is a new set-up and is bringing in a new concept into Singapore. The boss is not realistic in that, he wants big clients before establishing his company in Singapore. I am not saying that it is impossible but clients need time to know us and the company.
Perhaps, I did not know how to manage their expectations and He put me down several times. Already, during the promotion of the Guo Nian Match-Ups, my friends and family already cautioned me about him. I always am very forgiving and would like to continue working with him. However, it came to an abrupt end in that he said that his partner was not keen to engage me any longer for they doubted my calibre. I accepted it and quit on the very day.

Fortunately, Auntie Grace, Uncle Chu and Joseph Chew were ready to engage me as part of their editorial team and my core duty is telemarketing, something I'd been doing in the past.
You see, when God closes a door, two others open. Besides employed with ServeHope Pte Ltd, I also joined my cousin, Linda in the beauty and wellness business.

I really trust God that He will never abandon us or leave us hungry. His divine plan is always higher than ours.

I believe before the year ends, I'll be a prosperous person. Till next time, Cheers.

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