Friday, February 22, 2008


February 2008 is ending soon in 10 days time. Wow! Time has really flown by me but I feel that so far, God has been very good to me. In January, He kept me busy with the business of Guo Nian MatchUps games which did quite well. Since we went on 938live, the national radio, sales hadn't been too bad. It's a pity that it was not launched earlier. Nevertheless, close to 200 sets were being sold with more enquiries coming. For those of you who miss the opportunity this year, you can get in touch in Mid December 2008 and we'll try to get the game to you.

I say God has been very good for I have been praying with someone for 4 months. He is also looking for directions, for instance, should he carry on being his own boss or accept a posting in China on his terms. Guess what! He really got the job to go to China on his terms and will be drawing on a handsome salary packet. Praise the Lord!

As for me, I had 3 job offers, of which, I am still evaluating which to accept. Of course, I am not drawing his kind of salary packet but it is good enough for my expenditure, with some to save. Praise God!

My collaboration with my cousin is going on very well and we hope to encourage more people to come on this program to benefit from it.

Last may, when I went for my medical screening, (a routine once a year), my doctor warned that I am a little on the plum side. However, since January, I have been making a conscious effort to reduce excess weight and I am very pleased that it has worked well for me.

This program does not encourage you to go on a crash diet or to deprive oneself of the intake of food but the supplements of this company really speaks for itself.

I believe I shall be on the way to good health during my next visit in 12 weeks time. For those of you who wants to be like me, please leave your message and contact details so I can get in touch. Bye for now.

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