Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Since Monday, I'd have uneventful two days. I went for a part-time based job interview but learnt I'd know if I would be employed with the school only by mid November. Though business's slow in coming, I am still not calling quits yet.

However, two happenings really annoyed me. I have been volunteering my service at a GROs but discovered someone I respected had disappointed me. To add on to the injury, my old lady at home, because of the immatured behaviour of her youngest son took her fury on our FDW who had been serving her faithfully. I sympathised with her and advised my old lady to not pick a bone with her, while, asked patience from my FDW who imdicated not angry with her bug just couldn't understand why everytime misunderstandings must arise from this fellow. I should say she's been serving our family very well and I don't know why my old lady cannot differentiate right from wrong.

I also face a lot of difficulty in trying to apply for a debit card with POSB-ank. They gave me 3 reasons which I felt the bank should be responsible because they were proactively promoting the particular facility some years ago, which is hindering my application now. In my view, banks should be more responsible in implementing services and not let customers bear the brunt of their policy. I had been fighting with the bank for two weeks and don't know how long this will dread or perhaps, considering to switch bank.

Hopefully, as the week draws nearer to a close, it will get better.

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